Monday, October 14, 2013

Hope and a Future

The past three weeks have been a challenge, to put it lightly.  But I am trying (really trying) to find the positive in it all.  Today is day two of a migraine.  The second one I've had in two weeks.  The last one I was sure was caused by tons of crying and grieving over the loss of Daddy, but this one, it hit me out of nowhere. Three Advil Liquigels, an allergy tablet, and caffeine did nothing for it yesterday, but by the time I decided to do something about it, it was bed time.  It will be better in the morning, I told myself.  Not so.  The dreaded Imitrex was the only option left, and it makes me so groggy, nauseated, and overall horrible feeling.  But I am alive and my husband and children are healthy (and home, might I add.)

Anyway, I missed yet another day of work.  Sleep, dry mouth, and muscle cramps followed.  This afternoon when I finally felt like finishing laundry and maybe vacuuming, I stepped on a scorpion.   At least it wasn't a copperhead I told myself.  At least a bear didn't maul me.  Okay, so that was an attempt at humor.  At least I have that.

Then I think of the Good Lord above.  Jeremiah 29:11 promises, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. " Plans to prosper you and not harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future."

I worry about the future.  I worry about whether I'm doing what God wants me to do.  I worry if I'm doing the job I'm meant to do.  The list of worries just continues to lengthen.  Why?  Why do I worry when He promises He has a plan for me, a plan to prosper me and give me hope.  Even hope that days will get better in this pit of grief. I'm sure the migraines are not helped by the worry and stress over things I cannot control, yet I still do it.  I still can't seem to get it together.  But God can and He does.  And I just need to trust Him and give it to Him.  Keep things in perspective and try not to be so hard on myself.  Since He knows the plans He has for me, I am going to be just fine.  This I know.  That gives me hope.  And a future.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thanks for the Trials

I'm so thankful for new people in my life, new relationships, and lots of support that stemmed from this weekend's Celebrate Ladies event.  What's crazy is that I almost feel paralyzed today.  I think the fear of failure with so many eyes upon me could be the reason, but leave it to friends to help me through this as well.  I know that I cannot let fear steal my dreams, so if I fall, y'all help me up!  I'll be there to do the same.  I will promise this, though.  I may fall, but I won't stay down long.  I'm just going to rely on my God to show me the path, the steps to take, and the rest is up to me.  From the book, In a Den with a Lion on a Snowy Day, you should be thankful for your trials, because without those, you wouldn't be as close to God.  This sounds really weird, but thanks for the trials, Lord!  :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Celebrating Blessings

In this busy, busy world, it's so easy to get caught up in life and what is "wrong" in life, so I've decided to focus on my blessings and being positive.  If I write about my blessings, then I will have to recall and recognize what I'm truly being blessed with day to day.  I love to write, so what better way to combine a passion with a goal of feeling more of life's blessings into one.  I'm doing this more for myself than for others, but if it helps you, please join me in celebrating the blessings in your life.